If you are familiar with the Linux command line, the traditional terminal interface is the most efficient method for accessing the CRC compute and storage resources. username should be your Pitt ID.

YOUR-PC:~ YOUR-LOCAL-USERNAME$ ssh -X username@h2p.crc.pitt.edu

username@h2p.crc.pitt.edu's password:

Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated
Last login: Thu Jan 13 12:09:21 2022

                                                                               Welcome to h2p.crc.pitt.edu!

                                                                      Documentation can be found at crc.pitt.edu/h2p


                                                                                 IMPORTANT NOTIFICATIONS

   Renewal of CRC allocations requires you to acknowledge and add citations to our database, login to crc.pitt.edu and navigate to crc.pitt.edu/acknowledge for details and entry form


                                                                                   IMPORTANT REMINDERS

                                                     Don't run jobs on login nodes! Use interactive jobs: `crc-interactive --help`

                    Slurm is separated into 'clusters', e.g. if `scancel <jobnum>` doesn't work try `crc-scancel <jobnum>`. Try `crc-sinfo` to see all clusters.



[username@login1 ~]$ pwd

[username@login1 ~]$ ls
CRC  Desktop  zzz_cleanmeup

CRC uses the Lmod Environment Modules tool to manage and provision software applications. The command module spider shows if a package is available. For example

[username@login1 ~]$ module spider python

      Anaconda is the leading open data science platform powered by Python.


     Other possible modules matches:
        biopython  openslide-python

  To find other possible module matches do:
      module -r spider '.*python.*'

  For detailed information about a specific "python" module (including how to load the modules) use the module's full name.
  For example:

     $ module spider python/ondemand-jupyter-python3.8

Software Loading Example: Python

This shows that we have several versions of Python available. Packages typically have dependencies. To discover these dependencies, apply the module spider command to a specific installed package

[username@login1 ~]$ module spider python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

  python: python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica
      Anaconda is the leading open data science platform powered by Python. Compatible with gcc/8.2.0

     Other possible modules matches:
        biopython, openslide-python

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica" module is available to load.


  To find other possible module matches do:
      module -r spider '.*python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica.*'

If you attempt to directly load this Python to your session environment, you will encounter an error because the gcc/8.2.0 dependency has not been satisfied

[username@login1 ~]$ module load python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica
Lmod has detected the following error:  These module(s) exist but cannot be loaded as requested: "python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica"

   Try: "module spider python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica" to see how to load the module(s).

Loading Dependencies

The gcc/8.2.0 module first before loading the desired Python

[username@login1 ~]$ module load gcc/8.2.0

[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) gcc/8.2.0

[username@login1 ~]$ module load python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) openmpi/3.1.1   2) gcc/8.2.0   3) python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

You can also load all the packages using a single commandline, making sure that the dependencies are to the left of the package

[username@login1 ~]$ module purge

[username@login1 ~]$ module load gcc/8.2.0 python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) openmpi/3.1.1   2) gcc/8.2.0   3) python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

Other Module System Commands

In the previous section, two new commands that were introduced.

They are module purge and module list. These commands do exactly as the words imply.

module list is used to list all the loaded software packages

module purge is to get remove of all the packages from your current session's environment

[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) openmpi/3.1.1   2) gcc/8.2.0   3) python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

[username@login1 ~]$ module purge
[username@login1 ~]$ module list
No modules loaded
[username@login1 ~]$

Now, you might be wondering if it is possible to remove a particular package while keeping others. Why don't we try it

[username@login1 ~]$ module purge
[username@login1 ~]$ module list
No modules loaded
[username@login1 ~]$ module spider matlab

      Matlab R2021b


     Other possible modules matches:
        matlab-mcr  matlab-proxy

  To find other possible module matches do:
      module -r spider '.*matlab.*'

  For detailed information about a specific "matlab" module (including how to load the modules) use the module's full name.
  For example:

     $ module spider matlab/R2021b

Software Loading Example 2: MATLAB

[username@login1 ~]$ module load matlab/R2021b

[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) fontconfig/2.10.95   2) matlab/R2021b

[username@login1 ~]$ module load gcc/8.2.0 python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica
[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) fontconfig/2.10.95   2) matlab/R2021b   3) openmpi/3.1.1   4) gcc/8.2.0   5) python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

[username@login1 ~]$ module rm matlab/R2021b
[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) openmpi/3.1.1   2) gcc/8.2.0   3) python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

In the above commands, MATLAB R2021b was loaded and then Python was loaded afterwards. Notice that MATLAB can be loaded directly but that there is also a side effect of automatically loading fontconfig/2.10.95.

Next, the gcc/8.2.0 dependency was loaded before the specific Python package. This Python package also has a side effect of automatically loading openmpi/3.1.1.

Lastly, when MATLAB was unloaded, matlab/R2021b and fontconfig/2.10.95 are removed from the environment.

You might wonder, What happens if I unload Python instead of MATLAB? Let's try it out:

[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) openmpi/3.1.1   2) gcc/8.2.0   3) python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica

[username@login1 ~]$ module load matlab/R2021b
[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) openmpi/3.1.1   2) gcc/8.2.0   3) python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica   4) fontconfig/2.10.95   5) matlab/R2021b

[username@login1 ~]$ module rm python/anaconda3.7-2019.03_deformetrica
[username@login1 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) fontconfig/2.10.95   2) matlab/R2021b

The effect of unloading a package module is to remove all dependencies and to return the session environment to the state before loading the package.

The command to unload a package is module rm .

You might also wonder if module unload might be a better choice of words for the command.

As a matter of fact, module rm and module unload are synonymous. Try it out.

These are few commands are useful to memorize to efficiently manipulate the software package environment. The reason why it is necessary to employ LMOD is because the CRC community uses a broad range of software applications, many of which are not compatible with one another.

The best way to get help on a specific issue is to submit a help ticket. You should log in to the CRC website using your Pitt credentials first.

Please return to the Pitt CRC Codelabs dashboard and find the "The SLURM Workload Manager" codelab, or use this link